Do You Want To Study & Apply The Bible But You don't Know How?

I began studying and applying my Bible consistently nine years ago, and my life has completely changed.

I remember what it felt like to be overwhelmed by the Bible. I wanted to understand and apply the Bible on my own, but I wasn’t sure how to do that. Because it often felt overwhelming, it was easy for me to not be consistent in my Bible Study. As I prayed and purposed in my heart to seek God first, God placed amazing people and resources in my life that guided me in my effort to study the Bible. Now, nine years later, my life looks completely different because God has used consistent Bible study to shape my life.

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If you have a desire to study and apply the Bible consistently to your life, but you feel overwhelmed and aren’t sure where to even begin, I understand you.

I understand you because I was you. Far too often, Christians are told that they need to be reading the Bible, but they are never actually taught why it is important or how to read it. The Bible has over 60 books and 1,189 chapters… that can feel overwhelming if we are not given guidance on how to begin studying and applying it. God so graciously placed amazing people and resources in my life that taught me how to study and apply the Bible, and now I want to be that person for you.

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That is the heart behind our Bible Study Workshop.

When I was taught the basics of Bible study, like how to navigate a Bible, what the overarching story of the Bible is, and what questions I can ask as I read a passage, God used these tools to completely change how I viewed my Bible study time. The Bible felt less overwhelming and became easier to study consistently.

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As I began applying the things I was learning to my Bible study time, God began showing me that it is only in Him that I can find lasting peace, and a purpose greater than myself.

He used these tools to guide me to a place where I was willing to make whatever sacrifice was necessary in order to have a set-aside time to spend with Him. As I began studying the Bible consistently, God allowed me to draw closer in relationship to Him, and my life looks completely different because of that relationship. The tools and resources that I was given would have had no effect had my heart not been in the right place. The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 29:13, “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart”. Being able to study and apply the Bible on a consistent basis begins with our heart desiring to know God above all else. Once this is the posture of our heart, the tools and resources that God brings into our lives will begin to take effect. Our Bible Study Workshop is not a fix-all plan for your relationship with Jesus. Rather, it is a tool to help you study and apply the Bible consistently when you have a heart’s desire to do so, but you need some guidance. 

If this is you, then our Bible Study Workshop can help you learn how to study and apply the Bible consistently by walking you through the basics of Bible study.

This workshop as a whole includes 8 modules with video lessons in each module totaling more than 5 hours long.

Inside the Workshop you will find...

Module 1: Get To Know The Bible

Lesson 1 - What is the Bible

Lesson 2 - The Old & New Testaments

Lesson 3 - Navigating The Bible

Test Your Knowledge - Module 1

Module 2: The Story of The Bible

Lesson 1 - The Overarching Theme of the Bible

Lesson 2 - The Old Testament

Lesson 3 - The New Testament

Test Your Knowledge - Module 2

Module 3: How We Study The Bible

Lesson 1 - Establishing a Routine

Lesson 2 - Picking a Place to Read

Lesson 3 - The Importance of Prayer and the Holy Spirit

Test Your Knowledge - Module 3

Module 4: Our Perspective When We Study

Lesson 1 - Being Expectant

Lesson 2 - Understanding Context

Lesson 3 - Focusing on Theology

Test Your Knowledge - Module 4

Module 5: Tools For Studying

Lesson 1 - Cross-Referencing

Lesson 2 - Extra-Biblical Tools

Lesson 3 - Meditating on the Word

Test Your Knowledge - Module 5

Module 6: Notetaking

Lesson 1 - Why Take Notes

Lesson 2 - Tools for Notetaking

Lesson 3 - Methods of Notetaking

Test your Knowledge - Module 6

Module 7: Application

Lesson 1 - Review

Lesson 2 - Using the Application Funnel PT. 1

Lesson 3 - Using the Application Funnel PT. 2

Test Your Knowledge - Module 7

Module 8: Wrapping Up

Lesson 1 - Tying it all Together

Lesson 2 - The Most Important Thing

Lesson 3 - Before You GO

Test Your Knowledge - Module 8

The Bible Study workshop can be completed at your own pace through the RBL Ministries website.

Once you make the one-time purchase of the Bible Study Workshop as a whole, you will have access to this workshop on the RBL Ministries website for the lifetime of the workshop and you will be able to download the supplement material and video transcripts. With the purchase of this workshop as a whole, you will also receive our Bible Study Guide, Our Verse Mapping Template, Our Bible Notes Printable, and our Sermon Notes Printable along with worksheets and supplement material that is exclusive to this workshop. As a bonus, you will also receive exclusive access to a community forum for those who are in the workshop (The community forum is a bonus to the workshop and is not guaranteed to be available for the lifetime of the workshop. The community forum is moderated and access can be revoked).

Alternatively, You can Purchase Each Module Individually.

When you purchase the modules individually, you will not gain access to some of the extras like the Digital Bible Study Guide, Bible notes printable, sermon notes printables, video transcripts and powerpoints, and access the community forum. If you purchase modules individually, you will have access to each module purchased for the lifetime of the workshop. You will only gain access to the downloadables required for that module, and not the extra downloadables that are included if you purchase the workshop as a whole. If you purchase a module and then decide you want to do the entire workshop, you will find a discount code in your purchased module for $25 off the workshop as a whole. This is the equivalent of one free module.

Join The Workshop Today


"Great Bible Study for beginners and an awesome refresher for older Christians." - Sarah (Beta Tester)


What is the age that this workshop is for?

This workshop is not for a specific age but rather for anyone who wants to study and apply the Bible, but needs help establishing the foundations of Bible study. However, the main audience of RBL Ministries is young adult women.

How long are the video lessons?

Each lesson varies in length with some being between 5 and 10 minutes and others being a little over 20 minutes long. In total, the Bible Study Workshop has over 5 hours of video content.

How do I access my workshop

Your main access point will be the RBL Ministries Website through your member account. You will have access to the workshop for the lifetime of the workshop and you will be able to download all the supplement material, powerpoints, and video transcripts. We recommend you download all of this upon accessing your workshop for the first time. We are not responsible for ensuring that you make these downloads.

Can I purchase the workshop more than once?

If you are logged into the same customer account, purchasing the workshop as a whole more than once or purchasing the same modules more than once will have NO EFFECT. You will be able to reset your workshop if you wish to work through it more than once.

What is included in the workshop?

When you purchase the workshop as a whole, along with the video lessons (5+ hours long), you will receive our digital Bible Study Guide (stand alone price is $15), Our verse mapping template (stand alone price is $10), our Bible notes printable (stand alone price is $10), our Sermon notes printable (stand alone price is $10), and additional worksheets that guide you through applying what you are learning in the lessons. You will also have a "test your knowledge" quiz at the end of each module, and you will receive downloadable copies of the powerpoints and video transcripts. If you purchase modules individually, you will have access to the video in that module, the test your knowledge quiz for that modules, and the required worksheets for that module. You will also receive a code for $25 off the workshop as a whole which is equivalent to one free module.

Is there a way for me to see inside the workshop before purchasing?

Yes! Watch a tour of the workshop from the workshop host below!

Want to see inside the workshop? Watch Below!

Let us Teach you how to study and apply the Bible

Join the Workshop today!